The most powerful christian testimonies
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29 testimonies found related to Casos Reales. Jorge Lanza (Un niño abandonado por su familia enfrenta terribles tragedias).
Created by Cristian
On Feb-06-2011
Healing testimony
Casos Reales.Ligia Arteaga (Mi hijo nace con sindrome de Down)

Created by Cristian
On Feb-03-2011
Conversion testimony
Casos Reales.Gustavo López-II (del afán a vivir con propósito)

Created by Cristian
On Feb-03-2011
Conversion testimony
Casos Reales.Gustavo Lopez-I (de la maldición a la bendición)

Created by Cristian
On Feb-03-2011
Conversion testimony
Casos Reales.Boniheris Z (3/3) (Accidente fatal y una misión especial)

Created by Cristian
On Feb-03-2011
Conversion testimony
Casos Reales.Boniheris Z (2/3) (Demonios atacan y el peligro de volver a caer)

Created by Cristian
On Feb-03-2011
Conversion testimony
Casos Reales.Boniheris Z (1/3) (Entre drogas y demonios)

Created by Cristian
On Feb-03-2011
Impact testimony
Casos Reales. Yolanda Colindres (Enfrentar la muerte de un hijo)

Created by Cristian
On Apr-21-2011
Conversion testimony
Casos Reales. Victoria Molina 2/2 (De una vida desenfrenada a la luchar por su matrimonio).

Created by Cristian
On Apr-21-2011
Conversion testimony
Casos Reales. Victoria Molina 1/2 (Una adolescencia con crisis de identidad, amor, alcoholismo y fe)

Created by Cristian
On Feb-05-2011
Conversion testimony
Casos Reales. Teresa y Nills 2/2 (Infidelidad, Divorcio y nuevo Matrimonio)

Created by Cristian
On Feb-05-2011
Conversion testimony
Casos Reales. Teresa y Nills 1/2 (Infidelidad, Divorcio y nuevo Matrimonio)

Created by Cristian
On Feb-02-2011
Employment testimonial
Casos Reales. Samuel Quintero (Sobre como Dios bendice en la vida y en el trabajo)

Created by Cristian
On Feb-06-2011
Conversion testimony
Casos Reales. Rosa y Elio Mena 2/2 (Matrimonio cristiano en crisis por años y renovación de votos).

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Created by Cristian
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Gerald McCoy, Oklahoma Sooners' defensive tackle, was dealt a serious blow when his mother unexpectedly died of brain aneurisms after his freshman year at Oklahoma. He shares the conversation he had with God a week after her death....
Created by Cristian
On Nov-17-2011
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On Jan-26-2013
CJ Mahaney Testimony
Created by Cristian
On Oct-19-2011
Gerald Jones. Dead Man Walking
A near death experience set 19-year-old Mike on a spiritual journey through eastern religions, but one day Mike decided to learn more about Jesus, resulting in a miraculous revelation....




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